

Sunday, June 9, 2013

End of a chapter

This week has had me thinking a lot about how this point of my life is an end to one big chapter and a beginning to another.

On Thursday I closed up my classroom for the last time. Ryan came to school with me and really helped me pack up and clean up so I could leave at the end of the day with the students. It was a very emotional day for me. At the end of each school year the whole school meets out on the front lawn to say the Pledge one last time. By the end of the pledge I was teary and then my students all came up to give me hugs and say goodbye. I kept thinking this is the last group of students I might have for awhile and boy were they amazing.

I'm not planning on teaching in Indiana at least not this first year. We'll re-evaluate once we get there and settle down. Right now we have no idea what to expect with this new adventure. We don't know what our schedules will be like or our budget but we're excited to get there and figure it out.
Thus I'm closing the book of teaching for the time being.

Another big change coming up faster then I ever thought it would is the birth of our baby boy. It boggles my mind how fast these 8 months have gone. I am currently 34 weeks and since they plan on inducing me, we only have 5 more weeks before our baby comes. 5 weeks is all that is left to prepare. I feel like a huge procrastinator I feel so unprepared. We have our last echo on Tuesday. If this echo looks like all the others then we won't be having any more until baby boy is here. That blows my mind.

The last big change coming up is our grand exodus to South Bend. We have that all finalized and its crazy to me to finally have a plan. Ever since we found out that Jr. has a hole in his heart all my careful planning went out the window and we've been stuck in limbo. I thought that was tough, not being able to plan for the future but now that we have a plan it is really baffling me how close we are to so many big changes.

Most people space out the big changes in their lives, Ryan and I we just get them over with all in the same season.

Here is the tentative plan for those of you who want to know. (all of these are tentative because we're dealing with so many variables that can't be controlled)

Baby will be here July 15th-ish. I'll be induced around that day so he can get surgery later that same week.

Baby will be in the hospital until about August 15th. (we're planning on a month hopefully its shorter) Folks are more then welcome to come visit us at the ICU while we are there. Only a couple can be around his bed at a time though.

Baby will be blessed August 20th in the evening at my Dad's house.
Ryan and the boys will head out August 21st for Indiana.

Baby and I will stay behind only until he is cleared for take off. Then we'll fly out to meet Ryan and start our new adventure.

Are we crazy? I think so ;)


  1. We are very excited for you guys!Jr. will be here before you guys no it. We are praying for you guys are hope everything goes smoothly.

  2. Nah, not crazy. It sounds like you have a good plan! Good luck with everything!

  3. So crazy! I just want to add one more thing to your craziness: don't leave without doing something with us one last time! :)
