

Monday, April 1, 2013


This year we had a pretty laid back Easter. I feel that is due to the fact that we spent Friday and Saturday moving the last minute things out of our apartment and then cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

Here is how we entertain ourselves when packing gets to be too much. We put on mustaches and then pack some more. ;)

We woke up early Sunday morning to go to Music and Spoken Word at the Tabernacle on Temple Square. We went with the Woodburys and Mark. It was amazing. I'm shocked that I'd never been before. I love music and spring so mixing both in with an added bonus of the Savior was truly beautiful.

After that adventure we went to church then headed up to the annual Davidson Easter Egg hunt at Grandmas. It is always a highlight to watch the kids run around like crazy looking for goodie bags and reliving my childhood. I remember like it was yesterday lining up by the front door in age order and being sent out in spurts. I still know all the good hiding places ;) things haven't changed much.

I am now 24 weeks pregnant. That's 6 months folks! I can't even believe that I have been pregnant that long. It has gone by so fast. Anyways I'm getting a lot more attention now that my belly has taken shape. I still don't know how to handle the unexpected random belly rubs I get from people. It makes me laugh. 

 Anyways Junior is still being rather nice to me. He kicks lots but nothing that keeps me up at night. I still fit into my regular jeans thanks to the Belly Band. Bad news: I have now thrown up during my pregnancy.

The Woodburys took me and Grandparents Woodbury to a great restaurant called "The Red Iguana" It was good food yet everything tasted like Sweet Potatoes (my one food enemy that still makes me sick just thinking about them). Late that night I woke up and I couldn't breathe. It felt like my lungs were underwater. I sat up trying desperately to get some air and then suddenly I was throwing up. Turns out I had acid reflex during my deep (HA) slumber. Since I was laying down it got sucked into my lungs and resulted in said panic and bathroom trip. It was scary but I now know that I have to sleep with 3 pillows under my head so I don't do anything crazy again. Sadly I can no longer say this is a throw up free pregnancy.

This next week is Spring Break for me! YES!!!! and thus I have some wild plans. I'm going to get my hair done today. I'm going to go into my classroom and work a few hours each day on packing things away and de-cluttering it. And finally I'm going to be sewing some cute little cloth diapers.

Yes folks I've decided to do the cloth diaper thing. Not because I'm into the whole "be green" thing (which isn't bad) mostly my choice comes from knowing that if I want to stay home with baby next year I will have to make some financial sacrifices. I need to save money anywhere I can thus I am now a cloth diaper advocate.


  1. You look so cute pregnant!! And go you with the cloth diaper thing, that is awesome! We are excited for you guys!

  2. Cute baby bump! I've thought about the cloth diaper thing for price-sake too, but I still don't know much about it. I need to do my research. If I do it, I'll probably be a 50/50 mom because I don't want to carry around dirty cloth diapers when I'm out and about.
