

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

life goes on and on and on!

I feel like I've been hit by the Busy-Bus since I started school again. I have been working so hard I've made myself sick. The cough I have has been with me for about 5 weeks now and its just barely getting better. My cough has kept me (and Ryan) up at night....not fun. Anywho thats my excuse for not blogging more. 

Here is Ryan with his tiger shirt on ready to MASTER THE GRE! Thats right folks my Husband took the GRE! I'd say he mastered it!

We've been having a lot of fun watching the BYU Football! 

I have the absolute best husband ever! He does the dishes like a pro. I love him.

Another big event in our lives was we inherited these lovely leather couches from my dad's condo. He wanted to upgrade to a sleeper sofa. We had been talking about saving up for couches since we moved into Wymount. I love how the room feels now that there is enough room for everyone to sit. 

For Priesthood session of General Conference this past weekend I got to hang out with some of my Heywood family. We're crazy and we love it! (Marie, Maddie, and Me)
 Marie and Kela also got their faces painted! 

Ryan and I spent last weekend in Park City. He was asked to drive big-wig psychology professors around while they were working on a big book. It came with a free stay in a hotel room! We had a lot of fun (even though I was sick) we went up to the Olympic Park and to the outlet mall. It was fun. 

I am telling you this is funny stuff.

Today was our first field trip of the year. We went to the Planetarium to see the exhibits and watch a fun laser movie about the solar system. Well everything went wonderfully until the bus driver drove off without me.
We have a 2/3rd split at my school. A split is exactly what it sounds like half the students are in 2nd grade, half are in 3rd. Well the 3rd graders from the split came with us on the field trip. They had their own parent helpers so it was super easy for the teachers we just had to make sure they knew what do to. They were on my bus so as we were loading at the end of the trip I noticed I was missing one group so I went back into the Planetarium to search for them. Well they weren't there so I decided to go back to the busses and see if they got on while I was looking for them. I walked out the doors to see my students zoom past me. Needless to say I ran after the bus and the driver finally stopped and let me in. There in the back of the bus was the missing group. Apparently they got in earlier and then I missed them when I did my final count. Fun fun fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Ew....Jed just took the GRE too. NOT fun stuff, but hopefully our boys are done with it now! And that's super funny you got left on your field trip :)
