

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tis the Season

Long story short, blogger has been hating on me for awhile. (about 2 weeks that is) I tried posted this earlier, like when it happened but blogger wouldn't let me do any pictures and what is the point of a blog without any pictures? It takes skill to blog without pictures, skill that I don't have. Finally I have pictures of the most wonderful date of the season; going to Temple Square to see the lights! This was also the first outing with the new camera and we had  a blast figuring out all the different settings. 

Ryan took this beautiful picture. Temple Square has cut back a bit on the lights, there weren't as many this year but they still looked so amazing!

We love being silly-heads! 

This is Dalton and Maggie, they are cool but not as cool as the Shopping-Cart-That-Doubles-as-a-Stroller in the background! 

Here is what the original post looked like 3 weeks ago. It let me upload 2 pictures and a small post.

I love my new camera! It makes me laugh how eager I am to post pictures on the blog, if I don't have pictures chances are it won't make it onto the blog.
For some reason blogger is not liking me today and yesterday and the day before yesterday and thus you only get two pictures of our double date to Temple Square with Dalton Haslam and his girlfriend.
It was cold, and lovely and romantic and awesome. I love Temple Square and Christmasy feelings. I don't know why but this year I am so pysched for Christmas. I think it is because I'm a married woman now and thus get to start our own traditions and fun with Christmas. It's a new chapter in our lives and I'm excited to celebrate with the most important man in my life, my husband Ryan!

Cute huh!?

Oh one more thing that happened 2 weeks ago, I got a small case of Shingles. Ryan and I noticed 5 little bug bites on my back, they itched like crazy! All day at school my students would catch me itching my back. After a week I went into the doctor, who proudly declared I had shingles! That was fun.


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