

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Savanna!!

This weekend we celebrated Savanna's birthday on December 17th! The party started the day before as my parents and I brought cupcakes and party hats to Savvy's classroom. The kids were really funny. We gave them party hats and Savvy/Mrs. Woodbury had them play a modified version of "Duck. Duck. GOOSE!" called "Horse. Horse. Unicorn!" They, instead of running around the circle, had to crawl on all fours, and because of their party hats on their heads, they looked like unicorns! HA! The students then ate cupcakes with bright colored frosting. They all had pink or red or green or blue lips! And then they were quickly sent home with some extra sugar.

Later on Friday, my parents, my sister and her family, Ron, and Marie all gathered at The BO (Brick Oven) for dinner. And after dinner we went to the Eclipse Christmas concert. Eclipse is an a capella band, not a bunch of werewolves and vampires. The concert was amazing! I have only been twice, and I thought last year was swell, but this year was even better! This Christmas concert has been a Davidson tradition for quite sometime, so I am happy to celebrate my wife's birthday and Christmas with this tradition.

On Savvy's birthday, she let me go play basketball, while she got her hair cut. How nice. We then went to lunch and the temple. It was very refreshing. We then came back home and read and did some normal Saturday chores. We then went out for dinner and went to the movies. We saw Sherlock Holmes. We both thought it was really good!

For one of her gifts, Savvy got a foot rub, scrub, and cream. Well, she could wash her feet all by herself, but that would be crazy when she has such a nice husband... long story short... I was happy to wash my wife's feet. She is the most beautiful woman I know. She makes me smile and laugh. She also helps me focus on the things that matter most. She is the love of my life.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart.

 The Davidson Family at the Eclipse Concert!
The Woodbury Family at the Eclipse Concert!

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