

Friday, October 21, 2011


For UEA we went to Tuacahn in St. George to see Disney's Little Mermaid.

A few fun things have happened lately.

#1 I got my first ever flu shot. It was quite fun. The school nurse stabbed me and then pretended to know where to put the bandaid. It made me laugh.

And #2 I finally faced my fears and took a picture by Miss Ursala herself.

#3 on the way home Ryan and I took a short detour to Jacob Lake/Grand Canyon. I worked at JL for a couple months one summer. It's a grand place on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

We climbed up the dreaded FireTower. I hate heights but it is such a grand view I just had to so my dear Husband could see the amazing Kaibab Forest.

We also kissed a few times.

UEA is pretty much the best invention ever. By this time in the year teacher's are getting stressed out. The end of the term is a few weeks away, the holidays are coming fast and we just need a few days to charge up for the next coming months. I love UEA. Thank you Utah.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I have seen that kissing picture before....
