

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Indy Temple Open House

Last weekend our family traveled down to Indianapolis for the Indianapolis Temple Open House. We spent the night and had planned on having a blast with our friends at the children's museum after going through the temple. Our boys actually fell asleep as soon as they were buckled in their carseats after the tour so we booked it home. Don't wake a sleeping child, especially if you have two sleeping babies. 

Anyways we are so excited about this temple since it will be our temple. The drive is an easy 2 hours with NO TOLLS! The temple was tiny yet beautiful. I loved the way they did the tour. In Utah the temple open houses are a walking tour with signs in each room detailing what happens. In Indiana they had us in small groups of 10-20 and in each room there was a volunteer who told about each room. It was a lot more informational and intimate. 

It was so fun to take our boys thru the temple. Beck slept in the carrier the whole tour and Linc lasted pretty well until the last two rooms but he still did great.

 I was dying over how cute his booties were. 
At the door waiting to go in.
It was SUPER bright out. 

Linc was smiling towards the camera the whole time until right before the guy pushed the button then he turned around to look at Jesus. 

Since Beck's face didn't make it in any of the pictures here are two cute pictures of Beck. 

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