

Monday, July 20, 2015

Utah Week 1

We have been so busy! I can't believe all that has happened this last month.

We drove to Utah a week earlier then planned and surprised my dad. It was so fun. He and Darla were sitting in their front yard enjoying the cool evening when up walks little old us. It was so wonderful to surprise my dad, I only wished it would have been lighter so we could see his face when he realized who was walking towards him.

Anyway so much has happened I'm just going to go with pictures. So enjoy.
Road tripping.

I love that this is Beck's go to for nursing. He always covers his face with his hand. 

It was a long 2 days but we did it! 

Linc is obsessed with trains. We went on the Heber Creeper and it was a huge success! 

Even Beck liked the big train.

The first week Linc and Grandpa bonded over Bonanza and The Rifle Man in their matching Jeep shirts of course.

One of the days my dad and I took both boys boating on our own. It was so fun to be on the lake and share that joy with Linc...Beck isn't quite sure if he liked it or not. 

Linc loved helping Grandpa get the boat ready.
Someone needed a haircut.
Grandpa with his boys!
On the way home from the lake the boys just held hands. It melted my heart. I hope they continue to love each other this much the rest of their lives.

We also went boating with the whole family. So fun.

Linc was ready to ski. 

This kid is full of fun! He loved the water.

Beck was given this swim suit by a close friend of mine. She was hinting at the fact that this summer would include a lot of time at Silver Beach.

Ryan's skiing took a turn for the crazy. He snapped his ski in half.

A moment of silence for the Jim West ski.

Fathers day was spent with these two wonderful fathers. I'm so grateful for the father who taught me all about life and the father who teaches and loves our boys everyday.

The first week had tons of down time. Linc spent most of that time following Grandpa around and coping everything he saw Grandpa do.

Touring BYU in our Notre Dame gear.

Sink Tubs are the best tubs.

We spent an afternoon at Seven Peaks in Provo. I was amazed at the guts Linc has. He went down the big slides sitting on our laps. The whole time we went down the slide he kept squealing for joy. Linc is a water-baby that is for sure.

Marie was so wonderful to sit with Beck while Ryan and I took Linc on the big slides a couple more times. Thanks Marie. 

Beck loved the water too. 

Linc kneeling for prayers like he saw us doing. What a smart kid.

It was amazing to see how much Linc and Beck grew and learned in our month in Utah. I swear we brought home completely different boys. 

Stay tuned...next post..JACKSON HOLE!

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