

Monday, November 3, 2014

Linc @ 15 months

Says:(in his own way)

Can find:
-belly button
-baby in Mommy's tummy
-nose (50% of the time)

-do 'touchdown'
-put a phone and remote to his ear
-ride a push cart
-put on sunglasses
-color with crayons and pencils
-beep Daddy's nose
-play sleeping baby
-play peek-a-boo
-play cars on the floor
-say prayers
-clap hands
-eat a full sandwich by himself
-reads books (in fact he will bring us books he wants us to read him as well)
-ride 6 hours in a car without complaining
-walk across a room

Lincoln loves Clayson (our neighbor) he will do whatever Clayson does, much to the annoyance of Clayson. 

I let the boys color on this box. Clayson lasted about 10 seconds, Linc colored for days. He even colored the walls once or twice. Oops.

My Notre Dame boys

he loves to beep Ryan's nose

He is blonde, blonde, blonde. I don't know where he gets it and I truly expect it to darker up as he gets older. 

He is a tough sleeper. He only sleeps in his bed or the carseat. He fell asleep on me a couple nights ago. I truly held him for a good hour or so since it NEVER happens. 

Linc now weighs a full 20 lbs. and that puts him in the 15th percentile. He's never been over 5% since we brought him home. He's a growing boy. We finally moved him into 12 month clothing. Even though a lot of his 9 month tops still fit him perfectly.


  1. So fun to see him getting so big! In the next few months they change so much and learn even more! I'm glad you guys are doing well!

    1. i feel like everyday he learns something new. i wish my brain was that absorbent. Your little girl is adorable. We should do something this December when we come visit

  2. He's so cute! Phoenix is blonde-blonde just like Linc. I love the blondeness for however long it lasts :)
    That Peter Pan costume is adorable. Good job making it

    1. thanks I had a ton of fun making our costumes...with only a little bit of stress. ;) I can't believe all the sounds Phoenix can make, I need to start bringing that up with Linc

  3. dont know what happened to the other comment., hummmmm anyway love the costumes and can't wait to see you guys next month..
    Love ya'll
