

Thursday, June 19, 2014

daily vlogs?!?!?!

Ryan and I have really started exploring youtube and we have discovered an amazing new way to document life...daily vlogs. It all started when I watched a silly video called "no smiling on the teacups" by the Shaytards. From there I started looking forward to watching what they Shaytard family did everyday. Then I branched out and I now follow several different familys on youtube. We then discovered that we both wanted to try it. We think our lives are pretty interesting. Mostly we want to document Linc's life. I remember watching home videos every Sunday night. Those were the moments that we would sit around the tv and just laugh and laugh at the silly things we did. Thus we'll start daily vlogs on our youtube channel.
If you hit the red subscribe button you'll get asked to sign in with an email. If you sign in you'll get an email whenever we put up a new video.

Anyways click here is our first video hopefully one of many. Enjoy

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