

Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Job New Wheels

So I started a new job. It was kind of a miracle actually to get it. I was driving to the library and saw some signs outside a daycare hiring for preschool teachers. I stopped in to fill out an application and they gave me a tour and asked me to come back and interview. When I interviewed it was more of a job description...'will you work here' kinda of thing. So I'm working full time now as a preschool teacher. Linc goes to daycare in the other building but I get to nurse him still. 
The first couple days were very rough for both of us but they are getting better and better. Its tough working full time. I also feel a lot of disdain from other mothers for putting my son in daycare and working full time. BUT this is where my life is right now. We had hoped that I could stay home but due to medical bills its important that I work. Hopefully I'll work full time for a year and then we'll review our finances and see what happens.  

First Day of Daycare

We both crashed after a long day!

The daycare is only 2 miles from my house so we bought a bike for us to bike to work everyday. Gas is expensive here ($3.89/gallon). Lincoln loves bike rides. We've also been going on quick rides after bath every night this last week. So fun. 
We love our new bike. 

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like the perfect job for now because you can still see your little guy through the day. I'm excited for when I can stay home too...that's why we're putting our boys through grad school :)
