

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Linc @ 7 Months

Highlights from 7 months:

-loves to sit
-wears his helmet 23 hours a day. Doesn't even notice it really
-went swimming
-still sucks his thumb
-grabs everything within reach
-loves to pull my hair
-has 2 teeth
-claps his hands
-stands with our help
-loves to explore everything with his mouth
-great in the car
-has discovered how to roll to get a toy out of reach

Clapping baby

Look close and you can see his two bottom teeth poking out.

This is how the photo-session ended. ;) He will grab anything and everything within his reach. 

Linc at 7 months:
(No doctor appointment this month so this is all very unofficial.)
Height: 27 1/2 Inches 
Weight: 17lb

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