

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Head Scan

So yesterday was quite the stinky day for Linc. He started the day bright and early at an 8am head scan. Our physical therapist, Maria, noticed his head was mis-shaped so she referred us for a head scan. I was super nervous about what it would entail since Linc does not like to be restrained and usually for these kinds of things they don't want any wiggling. It was so painless it was amazing. 

First the doctor went through a pamphlet about head shapes and helmets. He kept assuring me that Linc probably wouldn't need one. Then Linc sat on the end of my knees and we put on his totally amazing head scan hat. The doctor then took what looks like a police radar gun and scanned his little noggin. Little man did a great job.

After the scan was done which only took maybe 5 minutes Linc nursed while the doctor and I looked over the scan. Turns out Lincoln will be sporting a helmet. It was somewhat funny when the doctor told me the news. He got very serious and asked if I needed any tissues, thinking I would be very upset. I laughed and told him a helmet is nothing compared to heart surgery.

I am not excited about the helmet but I'm not upset about it. I know it will only be for a little bit.
Plus we get to choose our own pattern. What pattern do you think is the bomb-diggity? Tell us in the comments. 

We got home and Linc was very tired since he missed his morning nap. I put him down but it didn't last long since we had to get ready to go to his 6 month pediatric appointment. 
Here is the little angel before shots. These shots were the worst. Before when he got shots he would cry but would be soothed pretty fast afterwards. This time he was so mad. Linc was so upset he was choking on his own tears. It broke my heart. But good news we're done with shots for 6 more months, and I'll probably make Ryan go to that appointment. 

After his appointment he tried to sleep but kept waking himself up. Oh he was a grumpy baby last night. By 6pm he was done for the day. He took a quick bath and then hit the sack. Slept like a rock. Didn't wake up til 9am. 

We're not sure when the helmet will be here since they have to go through our insurance company but once its here Linc will be wearing it 23 hours a day for up to 7 months. So pick a good pattern. 
Here is a random picture of my very attractive husband. 


  1. I really like ice age two or blue jeans.

  2. I like the skull and cross bones or the camouflage one.

  3. My vote is the light blue or tornado. My nephew has to wear one, and he has done well with it so far. Good luck :)
