

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lincoln @ 2 months

I can't believe how much this little one grows each time I look at him. He is 2 months old. The newborn outfits no longer fit. He is currently wearing 3 month clothes, they are still rather roomy on him. 

We've got a couple smiles here and there as well as a few coos. They are still very quick to come so we have yet to catch them on camera. 

Linc's developed a cough that had us worried but its most likely due to the weather change. It is getting cold here at night. We are using a humidifier and it has made a big difference. 

He is still a good sleeper at night. We'll put him down around 9pm and get him out of bed around 8am.  We have yet to have a regular daytime schedule due to the feeding tube. The good news is his swallowing is getting better. We aren't doing any more bananas mixed with breastmilk. He is drinking straight milk from a bottle 3 times a day. I've also started putting him on the breast after I've pumped most of the milk out. (He is still on his feeding tube, we took it out for the pictures)
I'm still pumping every 3 hours. It seems to be getting harder and harder to get up at night. One more month like this then I can drop the middle of the night feedings. I can do it!

His hair is starting to come back in so he doesn't look like an old man as much. 

We've also been cloth diapering 24/7 and loving it. We've even had several diaper changes out of the house and its not too bad. You do have more stuff to lug around but thanks to wet bags you don't have any stink. I am so glad we chose to cloth diaper. 
Look how cute they are. 

Linc at 2 months:
Height: 22 3/8 in
Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz

1 comment:

  1. He is tall! I love the pictures of him and you did a good job on his blanket!
