

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Father's Day Weekend 2013

I took photography in high school and absolutely loved it. I have a weakness for photos (just like my Mom) when I told Ryan I wanted to get professional pictures with our baby (not as many as Mom did...she took me every month for the first 1.5 years of my life) he decided it would be cheaper to buy our own nice camera so we could do higher quality pictures ourselves.

We decided to start saving and maybe we'd have the money by the time we moved out to Notre Dame. We also decided to give the Woodbury's back the truck that they gave us for a wedding gift. The truck has been through it all with Ryan. High School til now but seeing how it would cost more to transport the truck out to Indiana then the truck is worth we decided to part with it.  The Woodburys are very generous people and decided that they'd trade us a new camera for the truck. That my friends is how we got our new camera which we love!

Here are some of the first pictures we've taken with it. Ryan is having so much fun learning all about ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. I am also benefiting from doing a quick review on them. I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty excited with how these pictures have turned out.

 For Father's Day we spent Saturday at the Woodbury's having a good ole fashion BBQ & Lasso Golf. Fun stuff.

For actual Father's Day Sunday we got to skype with Marie in the Philippines. She told us 5pm Utah time so we were logged on the computer waiting at 4:30. She finally logged in at 6pm. She had forgotten about daylight savings. The hour and a half wait was worth it. Man I love my sister. It was so much fun. Marie has changed a lot yet at the same time she is exactly the same.
She was amazed at how big I was and wasn't afraid to tell me. Good thing I love her.
Look at this studly father to be.  

After skpying with Marie we went up to Grandma Davidsons to chill on the back porch with family. Ryan got the Father's Day song & dance so that means he is officially in the Fathers club even if his little man-cub isn't here yet. 

Monday after Father's Day we traveled down to St. George with my dad to visit Jill & the girls and see Mary Poppins at Tuacahn. It was marvelous as always but oh my HECK it was HOT!!!! I broke down and had bought a frozen lemonade halfway through the show just to get some relief. I was dying. 
Look at this SWEET Welcome sign Kela made us. 

We took up a whole row! 

My dad is busy working on his condo this month so we dropped him off in Beaver on our way back to Salt Lake. He recently bought himself a father's day gift of this on-road/off-road dirt bike. He let me take it for a quick spin ;) 

I've accepted the fact that this summer is going to be super lame due to this baby coming. ;) I'm either too close to my due date to go anywhere (Jackson Hole) or my baby will be too small to go anywhere (Lake Powell). I am so glad we got a little mini-vacation down to St. George to visit family and see Mary Poppins. It will be my only trip this summer. 

All my complaining is done in complete sarcasm. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be a mom soon. I honestly can't wait until the days when my vacations are more about watching how my children react then me relaxing and getting away. 


  1. Oh my goodness, you are HUGE!!!

    :) I can only say that because I look exactly like you! Haha. I actually really love the pregnant belly look for now. In a month it has to go though! You are getting so close to your little one being here!

  2. Isn't being pregnant through the Summer not so fun. I loved smoothies, I racked up quite the bill at Jamba Juice. I think that you look great and can't wait to see pictures of your little one. By the way, I love the updates to see what is going on with you guys.

  3. I love Kela's sign! I wish you were coming to Jackson. Just have baby W. early so we can all visit you guys on our drive home! No pressure though.
