

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Indy Temple Dedication

This past weekend we were blessed to attend the Indianapolis Temple Dedication. It was miraculous how everything fell into place for us to attend.

 Since Ryan is a member of the bishopric he was given tickets to attend the temple dedication in the temple. We didn't think we'd both be able to attend due to nursing Beck. Ryan's Dad flies almost weekly for work so he was able to use his miles and points to fly out Melanie to watch our kids for us. There is no way I could have attended otherwise. I am so thankful for her for her willingness to help us out.

She flew in earlier in the week. We drove down to Indy on Saturday to attend the World's Largest Children's Museum in Indy. It was so fun and HUGE!

Linc's favorite thing in the whole museum was the train set.... like the free one at Barnes and Noble. Typical kid eh?

THE hat. That is Indiana Jones' actual hat. I fan-girled a little bit. 

Beck started sitting on his own while at the hotel. He's growing so big!

Two things that were erected in 2015 ;) 

Us at the dedication

Temple Selfie

Here the the selfies that didn't make it. Poor Ryan couldn't take the direct sun. 

Just chilling in our bed.

Last picture before we left Indy. Linc is obsessed with sports. 

The last thing we did with Grammy was hit up our Zoo.

Linc's face is in a perma-choo choo face when he is on the train.

We love our ZOO!

Grammy even bought Linc goat food to feed them.
 I'm pretty proud of the fact that Linc already knows the starving student trick of checking the machine for left over pieces. ;)

So to have a full handful of feed to give them was exciting! 

We loved having Grammy come to visit us. Linc was spoiled rotten!

seriously look at this boy sitting up so tall.

Waving bye bye to Grammy's airplane.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Life Lately

Here are some random pictures since we got back from our trip to Utah. I feel like summer is quickly coming to an end and so is my time with Ryan. Once school starts he'll have a heavy load again, its nice to have him around more. Anyways enjoy.

Beck is getting so big!

So this is how Beck nurses every time. I love it. 

Hanging on the playground with his girlfriend Jane.

Buzz Lightyear comes almost everywhere with us these days.

The zoo is a constant. 

Linc loves to jump in Beck's tub and Beck just laughs and laughs at his big brother. 

Blueberry Boy.

Grandpa came and had a little bit of fun with us.

He still loves books! I hope he never out grows it.

More blueberry picking. 

Linc's new thing is to share his food with random objects. aka watermelon

He also kisses everything! 

Playing with friends. This is Cubby.

We get messy lots in our house.

Beach Boy!

Beach Babes.

The train!

Ok a couple weekends ago we had a safety fair. All the local safety folks, Police, fire, search n rescue put on a fair for the community. It had a couple rides that were free to the kids! Linc was in heaven. 

Our friend Kinsey loved helping Linc with the rides.

The King of the House.

Sometimes you and your friend wrestle in the sandbox. Linc was covered. 

Our tub got clogged! 

I love this boy's kisses.

They love each other! We watch Sesame street daily now at 2pm. Its a perfect quiet break for me and Linc loves it. The last two times both boys have just cuddled me! I need my cuddle time.

To the beach again!

Linc loves the water but I think the sand is becoming a top 5 favorite thing. Today at the beach Linc buried Ryan.  

When Mommy doesn't bring the baby any toys the baby plays with wrappers....Mommy watched carefully. 

Our Family!