

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Jackson Hole 2015

Jackson Hole has been a Heywood (My Mom's Family) Tradition since before I was born.  It is a perfect summer getaway. Jackson will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope we can make it a tradition our boys will look forward to each year. 

If you looked out your window anyday in Jackson 9 times out of 10 you would see Linc playing baseball. At the beginning of the week he wasn't coordinated enough to hit the ball...by the end of the week he was hitting it pretty far.

Daddy showing him how its done. 

Another fun tradition we have is we play a huge family tennis-ball game on Monday night. Its a huge thing. Ryan played in his first game this year and knocked it out of the park.  I was impressed. 

We also have a wonderful pinata. 

Mornings are tough.

Linc was an amazing little hiker.

Seriously...can you believe this beauty?

Oh the rain storms were legendary!

Linc did so good for his first Ole Time Photo. He really got into dressing up.

We saw this mommy moose and her baby walking around our condos. Such beautiful creatures. 

We went on the gondolas. 

Beck's first trip to the Bar J. 

Linc was king. Seriously he had so many people who were willing to spoil him the whole trip. 

Teton Village

This was by far the best toy of the trip. The little kids would sit in the boats and the older would run them around on the grass. So fun.

Even Beck and I got a turn.

Grandparents Heywood enjoying the entertainment.

The 4th of July in Jackson is always top notch.

waiting for the parade.

All the Heywood cousins. 

We got our corn. You know its a good parade if they throw out whole ears of corn.

The boys were exhausted. 2 boys fell asleep before we even got out of Jackson. They slept four solid hours on the drive back to Salt Lake. 

 We ended the trip with a baby blessing on Sunday at my Dad's ward.
July 5th we blessed Beckett. It was so wonderful...even though Linc was so hyped up. I'm so grateful these boys have such a great example of a worthy priesthood holder. 

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