

Monday, March 23, 2015

Heart Melted!

Yesterday we decided to see if Lincoln would hold Beck. Be still my heart, it was the most precious thing in the world. 

Lincoln has been keeping his distance from Beck, the only time he will get close to him is when I'm feeding him and then he only wants to look at his clothes. 

At first he only wanted to point out the different animals on Beck's outfit. He also tried to get Beck to play with his bus so we quickly got rid of that. 

kisses for brother

He was amazed to discover that Beck has toes like Linc and hands.  If you look close at this picture Linc is holding his foot while he looks at Beck's. He kept looking at his feet and pointing to baby's feet and showing us his hands then feeling for baby's. So cute. 

I think this was one of the first times Linc realized that baby brother is just a mini Lincoln. He was enthralled with his feet and hands. (We kept him away from Beck's face) 

Looking at Beck's fingers.

So cute!

After Linc went to sleep last night we gave Beck his first bath. He loved the warm water on his head and didn't seem to mind the whole tub thing. 

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