

Monday, March 23, 2015

Heart Melted!

Yesterday we decided to see if Lincoln would hold Beck. Be still my heart, it was the most precious thing in the world. 

Lincoln has been keeping his distance from Beck, the only time he will get close to him is when I'm feeding him and then he only wants to look at his clothes. 

At first he only wanted to point out the different animals on Beck's outfit. He also tried to get Beck to play with his bus so we quickly got rid of that. 

kisses for brother

He was amazed to discover that Beck has toes like Linc and hands.  If you look close at this picture Linc is holding his foot while he looks at Beck's. He kept looking at his feet and pointing to baby's feet and showing us his hands then feeling for baby's. So cute. 

I think this was one of the first times Linc realized that baby brother is just a mini Lincoln. He was enthralled with his feet and hands. (We kept him away from Beck's face) 

Looking at Beck's fingers.

So cute!

After Linc went to sleep last night we gave Beck his first bath. He loved the warm water on his head and didn't seem to mind the whole tub thing. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Presenting Beckett Evans Woodbury

Beckett Evans Woodbury
March 18, 2015 1:27am
weight: 8lbs 7oz
length: 20 3/4 inches
head: 14.5cm

What a crazy amazing adventure we had on St. Patricks Day. March 16th I was having contractions on and off all day nothing that made me stop in my tracks though. I could tell they were getting stronger so around 10pm my walking buddy, Ali and I went on a walk around our complex. Nothing changed so I went to bed. All night I was getting contractions on and off. Around 3am I noticed they were in a pattern and a lot stronger. I woke Ryan up and we timed them and debated going to the hospital or not. At 4am we made the call to our neighbor, Sara who agreed to watch Linc. To the hospital we went. 

At the hospital my contractions stopped coming in a pattern. I was only dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced so I was worried they would send us home. We spent 2 hours walking around the labor floor. My contractions were still very strong but they were in no pattern at all. I would get 2 strong ones close together then nothing for awhile. They checked me again and I was still at 1cm but effaced to 70%. They called my doctor and he let me decide if I wanted to stay or go home. I was surprised how nervous I got about going home so we stayed another 2 hours in triage. This time we were both exhausted so Ryan slept and I tried to relax. After 2 hours I was dilated to 3cm and 90% effaced so they put an IV in and took us to a room. 

We got to our room and since I was a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarian) they had to hook me up to the monitors. I wasn't allowed to eat anything in case we had to do a Csection again so I was chained to the bed with no food. At noon my contractions stopped. They disappeared. No where to be seen. This freaked me out I did not want to go home. I got up and walked in place next to the bed. I did everything I could think of to make my contractions come back: danced, jumping jacks, squats, lay down, sit up...nothing. They were gone. 

My nurse, who hadn't been very helpful, came in and told us to prepare to go home since my labor had stopped. She dropped that bomb and then left. Needless to say Ryan and I discussed thoroughly the possibility of another Csection. I did not want to go home since I didn't know when they would want me to come back. I also felt so bad for pulling people out of their lives, Ryan missed school, Linc was at a neighbors and my neighbors had to take on another kid. I was just ready for this kid to join our family and get on with our lives. Ryan kept me sane and kept telling me we shouldn't call Csection. (One of the perks of having a Csection is anytime after 39 weeks I can ask for a Csection and get one no questions asked) The nurse came back in and said they would let us know at 4pm if we would be sent home or if my doctor would come break my water after office hours.

So from 12-4 we sat and worried. No contractions would come no matter how much we tried to get them going again. We were both frustrated, sleep deprived and hungry. Our room was not a fun one to be in. 

At 4pm they checked me again. I was still 3cm and 90% effaced nothing had changed. Dr Cavallo said he would come break my water after he was done at the office. They also switched nurses. Our new nurse assured me that they would not be sending us home. She assured me that this happens to some women, not a lot but some. She also made sure I was prepped for an epidural and ordered me some good food. They hooked me up to an IV for the epidural. (My contractions had been very painful and with the thought of breaking my water I knew they would get worse) 

As soon as I had the IV going my contractions came back. HARD!!! I ate as much as I could in between contractions. Before my contractions would build up to a peak of pain then go away slowly now they were sudden peaks of pain, no warning and they were long.  At 5:30 Dr. Cavallo came in and checked me. He said he would break my water at anytime so I could have it then or wait til my epidural. I decided to wait till after my epidural, best decision ever. I got the epidural and then they broke my water at 6pm. Right after the epidural Dr. Cavallo checked me and I was at a 6+. I strongly believe that the fluids and the food kicked me back into labor in a big way! 

They gave me Pitocin as well to get my contractions on a pattern. Since I had my epidural I wasn't even aware of the Pitocin or my contractions. I was finally able to sleep! 

Around midnight I started feeling Beckett moving down and could tell I was almost ready to push. They checked me and I was fully dilated but since I wasn't feeling any pressure to push we decided to wait and let my body do the work. I am so glad we waited. When it was time to push Beckett was at a +3 (+5 is crowning) so after a few pushes we called the doctor in and got to business. 

We pushed for 30 minutes or so and Beckett was born at 1:27am! They immediately put him up on my chest and started scrubbing him off. We cuddled for a good 90 minutes. The doctors finished their business and let us be. The nurses didn't rush me at all. While we did skin-to-skin Beckett started nursing on his own, it was amazing. Ryan and I just sat and enjoyed our new bundle of joy. The nurses waited for us to give them the go ahead to weigh him, bath him etc. It was wonderful.

The nurse traded me a boxed lunch for Beckett. While she weighed him I scarfed down my turkey sandwich and then fell into a deep sleep.  I don't even remember Ryan holding him for the first time ;(

We spent 2 wonderful days at the hospital then we came home. It amazes me still that we brought Beckett home after 2 days, we weren't allowed to hold Lincoln until well into the 3rd day. So far Beckett has been a wonder baby. He eats, sleeps and poops better then any other baby I'm sure.  Lincoln is aware of Beckett but doesn't seem too concerned. He did feed him a fruit loop yesterday, put it straight in Beckett's mouth. Luckily I was holding Beckett but it made me realize how closely we'll have to watch Linc for this first little while. 

Hooked up to my IV fluids for the epidural. I was so excited! 

Welcome to the world Beck! 

Me scarfing down my boxed lunch. 

What a cutie. One of my good friends made me this hat, it fit him perfectly. 

My boys! Notice Linc's dog made the picture as well. 

Dad and his sons. Lincoln was asked to smile for us. That is the face we got. Love it! 

First family picture. 

Giving brother kisses. He is so hesitate around Beck he only has touched him a few times. Lincoln mostly just stares at Beck from a good distant but I can tell he's getting braver. It won't be long before these two boys are wrestling.