

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We got the bug :(

Here is our life lately:

Linc is growing bigger everyday. I look at this picture of him lounging on his/my bear and it amazes me how big he looks. He loves to discover new things and is starting to really catch on to what we're saying. He'll get diapers and other things for me when I ask him from his room. Linc still loves his bath and afterwards will put his clothes in the dirty clothes. Such a good helper.
 This bear was given to me by my aunt Jana when I was a baby. I love that Linc loves it so much.
 During the summer we couldn't get this kid to wear a hat for more then 30 seconds, he's since discovered that he loves this hat. He'll go get it from the drawer and put it on and then take his red mickey hat to Daddy to put on. If Linc is wearing a hat Daddy has to as well.
 January 31st was a big date night for Ryan and I. The village arranged a dance for all the couples, we had free babysitting, free limo rides to and from the dance and free food at the dance. It was so fun. The theme was the 1920's too bad I only have 3 maternity dresses so I couldn't dress up too much. Ryan arranged for a fellow student to watch Linc and she loved it. We invited her over for pizza before and then we left. We returned to find her and Linc up and playing. One night won't hurt ;) 

We have such amazing friends here ;) 

Baby & I only lasted so long but we had fun while we could. 

Another fun thing with Linc is he is starting to have strong opinions. He wanted to wear the new mickey jammies we pulled from storage never mind they are silky and not for cold weather. We layered him up and it worked out fine. He also loves his shoes and will bring them to us whenever he isn't wearing them. 

This is day 2 of the mickey jammie shirt. He would not let us take it off him. 

Sunday church was canceled due to a huge snow storm we got. It started snowing at midnight Saturday and didn't let up til Monday morning. Our car was covered! Saturday night Linc developed a cough so we were somewhat excited we wouldn't have to find subs for church.  

We enjoyed the superbowl on sunday. Linc ran around saying football and touchdown the whole time. He rotated between sitting in our laps pointing to the football on tv and running around the apt with his football over his head shouting touchdown. So cute. This kids loves his sports. 

Sunday Linc spent the day coughing and got a slight fever. Monday this kid was sick! He was throwing up, coughing just not happy at all. Poor kid. All day he sat on the couch with me and we watched movies and practiced throwing up in a bowl. 

Ryan got home late and we did a quick FHE and then Ryan gave Linc a blessing to help him feel better. Linc went to bed on time then woke up at 10pm and wanted to play. Since this was the most energy he had shown all day I let him (Ryan had gone back to work) Things were looking up. Linc slept the full night, coughing throughout but he'd sleep through them. Before he was coughing so hard it would wake him up and turn into cries. 

Tuesday morning we still had a sick boy. He just wanted to cuddle on the couch again. Which I didn't mind. We took a hot shower and the steam seemed to help him a ton. Afterwards I put him in new jammies and we had a little fun before the sickies came back. 

Linc was combing my hair since I had combed his. 

By 10am this was my little boy, sick again. Back to the couch we went. 

We've gotten really good at getting to the barf bowl quickly. Its always close. 

I've never seen Linc so lethargic. He couldn't even sit up on the couch. Linc spent most of yesterday sleeping, on Mommy and in his bed. With his bed he would start coughing so I tried to let him sleep on me as much as he could. 

Today he is still sick but not couch ridden. We got out the grocery store. (My cupboards were bare) Linc still has a cough but hasn't thrown up for 24 hours so thats good. We've discovered that this kid loves Disney but only Disney with lots of animals. Mulan...not a hit, 101 Dalmations & Tarzan were a win. We also watched Curious George and Thomas on PBS. Linc loves George thanks to Clayson. 

I've also come to realize how vital insurance is. We've been waiting for our new Medicaid cards in the mail and they're late. We tried going to an 18month checkup and were denied coverage until the cards come. So this whole week we've been praying that Linc will get over this without having to visit a doctor since we can't afford a doctor without insurance. We also received our bills from Riley's Hospital in Indy for our echos, $1200 each. Hopefully our cards come soon so we don't have to dive into our very small saving account to start paying these. 

Also I've come to really appreciate my friends and family. Having a sick kid and a husband in school is hard. Monday-Thursday Ryan leaves early then comes home for dinner, scriptures & prayers then he's off to study til 1am. I've been stuck in my apartment with no one besides a very grumpy, sick child. I can't take Linc anywhere or invite anyone over for fear they'd get sick. It wears on you. Lucky for me I have a great husband who is present when he is around. He isn't on his phone or laptop he is down on the floor with Linc and will let me talk his ear off about my dull day. I also have friends and family who call and text me throughout the day with words of encouragement and silly stories to remind me there is life outside of L1.  

Things are looking up so hopefully we can get out tomorrow and go to the library. The local zoo will be coming to bring animals to story time. I hope Linc feels up to it. I miss my happy energetic boy. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to call you sometime just to chat! You and I live very similar lives! I'm sorry he has been so sick, it's no fun!
