

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Christmas Break 2014

Christmas Break this year was so much fun. We flew into Salt Lake a week before Christmas & had a wonderful time visiting family. One of the highlights was taking Linc to see St. Nick. We found where my old lacrosse coach was working as Santa so we got a very personal visit. Rich did wonderful...Linc not so well. ;) He thew up on the drive up to Santa and he's been going through some rough separation anxiety. O-well every kid has a bad Santa picture right? 

Christmas day was so much fun. We started the day with my family then after naps went to the Woodbury's. We ended the day at my grandparents house. 

Lincoln's favorite gift at my Dad's house was Marie's dish brush. ;) 

My dad always plays Christmas songs at our Davidson production. I love it! 
You can't have Christmas without cookies ;) 

The day after Christmas we went down to the ski chalet in Beaver. Ryan loves to ski and spent every minute he could on the slopes. Linc and I spent our time at the condo with Darla. Linc loved the snow and was always wanting to go out.

I loved his hat hair. He wouldn't let me take off his snow pants. He also loved to bring me his snowboots and walk around in them.

For New Years Eve we went down to St. George to attend my uncle's big party. Linc loved playing with all my cousins. How cute is this little under the stairs play place. 

We also spent a Sunday with my Hansen cousins. Linc loved their indoor tire swing. 

We loved all the vistors we had at the condo. 

This little kid was always waiting to go outside. 

After a week at the condo we were excited to get back to Salt Lake. I was excited to get out of the house and go places. We took Linc to the Children's Museum at the Gateway. It was so much fun. I'm so glad we waited to go when Linc was mobile. We wanted to go last summer but Linc wasn't crawling yet and this place definitely needs to be explored. He loved the water table and the balls. 

After 2.5weeks in nice warm Utah we traveled back to snowy Indiana. We landed in Chicago with wind chills of -20. We drove home in a snowstorm, set up our space heaters and bundled up. Here's to a long cold winter. 

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