

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day

This week has flown by.

Monday Ryan had an in class final. Afterward they had a pizza party and Linc and I were invited. It was fun to show off the little man. Several of the girls are baby hungry and loved holding him. I loved getting to know some of the students Ryan will be working with for the next 5 years.

Tuesday was my birthday. I turned 26...not 27 as my dear dad thought. We went and saw Frozen at the earliest show time since Linc came too. Linc did great. He watched for a little bit, ate and then fell asleep. After the movie Ryan had to leave to study. He went to the community center's study room so he was close by but isolated. After dinner he went to study some more. Well he actually lied and went to the mall and got me some beautiful earrings. I told him not to get me anything since he bought me an expensive diaper bag earlier when it was on sale. I was excited about the earrings though. I love surprises. My aunt Deanna sent me a cookie bouquet and I got several cards in the mail. Darla sent me an amazing blanket. I'm not a huge blanket person mostly because they just sit around the house but this one is amazing. It is so soft. I love it. I also got to skype with my cousin Kela who shares my birthday. It was fun to see and talk to her. I can't believe how mature she sounded. I love sharing my day with her, she is one of the nicest and silly-est girls I know.

Wednesday Ryan worked hard on finals.

Thursday Ryan finished up his finals.

Friday I worked all day long. I volunteered to take another girl's shift since she had to deal with some personal issues. It was good to get the hours but hard to be away from Linc all day.

Saturday we went to the ND bookstore for story time. This week Father Jenkins, the President of ND, read a story about Jesus that was adorable.

 After story-time we got to met Santa. He was a wonderfully jolly man and the pictures were only a $5 donation to a great charity so I felt more then willing to pay it.  Lincoln did great with Santa. He was mostly confused as to why we were all staring at him. He hasn't entered the clingy stage yet so we're grateful.

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here. Its weird to not have any major plans. We're just excited to stay home and be together. Also the skype call to Marie sounds like a fun idea ;) 

Hopefully during this break we can get some fun family time in. I'm excited to show Dad and Darla around. I am so grateful I haven't been homesick, I am very prone to it. I guess its because where ever Ryan is is home to me now. But I still miss my family a ton. I am so grateful that they make time every week to video chat with us and that they are going to brave the weather to come visit. 

I will be posting Linc's 5 month post tomorrow or Tuesday after we get his weight taken. I can't believe how big he is. In Marie's weekly email I posted the following pictures as a comparison. 
Linc at 1 month.

Linc at 5 months. 

It's crazy how fast they grow up.


  1. I love the Bennion shirt! Show your pride!

    Linc is getting so big! I'm glad everything is going well for you!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry christmas! We hope you guys have a great one!

    It sounds like you are doing well. I love to hear updates. Linc is getting so big!
