

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Baby Update

Just a quick update on Junior. He is 22 weeks and kicking.

We went to the Echo on Tuesday March 12th at a very early 8am only to be told that we were scheduled for next Tuesday. Needless to say I was very mad about this. Its not easy to take a day off as a teacher and the frustrating thing was it was their mistake yet I had to deal with it. They told me on the phone March 12th. I know this because I wrote it down while on the phone knowing full well my brain is not as trustworthy as it used to be. ANYWHO we will visit with the echo cardiologist this coming Tuesday to learn more about what Junior is dealing with.

Good news: Ryan felt baby kick several times now. I was told it would be awhile until Ryan would be able to feel the kicks but we've got a strong baby. Ryan is sure its his cycling legs. Junior is getting stronger and stronger each night as I read in bed I feel him kicking. It amazes me how fast he grows within a week it was noticeable stronger kicking.

More good news: Ryan got in to Tufts University in Boston. He's now got a tough decision on his plate. Notre Dame vs. Tufts. As he has been explaining them to me I've come to understand how different yet equally good they both are. It'll be fun to see where we end up. Indiana or Boston.

Also Ryan landed a summer job at a golf course which he is over thrilled with. He is so excited to get free golf and get to work at his favorite hobby and get paid to do it. What a stud.

We will definitely be updating the blog again next week after the echocardiogram. So be on alert.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that your little Junior is kicking strong!!
