

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

U. S. of A!!!

I had just gotten back from Jackson Hole on Sunday and then we were packing up our apartment and trying to catch up from all our vacation days; so our Fourth of July was very laid back.

Ryan worked from 12-8pm (getting paid time and a half!) so I stayed home and packed and studied for my school work. After work we buzzed up to South Jordan to celebrate with the Woodbury family. Clayne is kinda a firework-fanatic (I think Ryan is too) so we had plenty of ammunition.
We all went to Tyler and Melissa's house to light the night sky!
 The boys with their toys! ( please note Ryan's patriotic shirt)
 Sophie had lots of fun playing around.
 This was Ryan's Firework-Face!
What a good uncle protecting Sophie's ears during the show. 

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