For Fall Break this year we decided to head up to Niagara Falls, Palmyra and stop in Kitrland, since its the halfway mark. This road trip was the smoothest trip we will probably ever take. The boys did great and everything worked out perfectly.
We drove all day and got to Niagara around 10pm. It was an 8 hour drive. It was amazing. They light up the falls at night so we decided to stop even though we were all tired.
Beck's there we promise.
We got to our hotel and everyone crashed hard. The next morning we went back to the Falls to do the Maid of the Mist. BEST part of the falls.
We got soaked but lucky for us the weather wasn't too cold. It was super windy though.
Linc loved the boat. That's all he wanted to do and talk about.
View from the Maid of the Mist
Beck was in the carrier on the boat and hated every minute near the falls. The wind would take his breath away (when he wasn't screaming) but during the boat ride he snuggled up under my rain poncho and was content.
Linc ran around that boat (making my nerves run raw) and since it wasn't tourist season he had plenty of room to run.
I've mastered the art of carrying two boys.
Next we headed out to Palmyra. This was a perfect drive since it was nap time and both boys were happy to nap in the car. We had to wake Linc up when we got to the Sacred Grove, I guess the 2 hour drive wasn't long enough.
Since we had to wake Linc up Buzz got to come with us to walk around the Grove.
Buzz even took a family picture for us. Too bad it wasn't a good one, luckily some nice lady offered to take our family picture.
The grove was gorgeous in all the bright fall colors. It would have been so peaceful too if we didn't have a 2 year old with us. Thankfully people are very understanding of 2 year old nature so they didn't seem to mind when Linc disrupted the quiet. (I'm so thankful for the people who don't get upset over normal kid behavior, we really did try to keep Linc reverent)
We also toured the Smith Log cabin and Frame house but didn't take any pictures.
The next day we finished Palmyra by seeing the temple, Hill Cumorah, and the Book of Mormon Publication site.
I'm amazed at the hard work it was to print the Book of Mormon. The gold plates were translated in 65 days and JUST the printing was 7 months. I always thought the translating was the hard part boy was I wrong.
Linc got to glue some of the pages together.
After we drove by the temple we headed for home. We made it to Kirtland in time to tour the Kirtland temple which is owned by the Community of Christ church. It is such a beautiful building.
My how things change!
(March 2014)
This is Ryan's favorite picture from the trip ;) Linc showing off his sticker.
After we had dinner in Kirtland we jumped in the car again, drove 4 hours and arrived safe and exhausted home!
It was an amazing trip. I'm so grateful Ryan was able to take time off to make some amazing memories this fall break.