

Friday, May 22, 2015

Beck @ 2 months

This kid is a tough one, he has to be with a big brother like Linc. Linc loves Beck...a little too much. Linc loves to give brother kisses but often will hurt him in the process. Linc doesn't realize how big he is compared to Baby Beck.


Sleeps 8pm-6am
Shots :(
Holds head up more and more
Went to church for the first time
Took a bottle for a week....then decided never again 
Laughed once
Sleeps in his room most nights
Will not sleep during the day unless in carseat or being held
No longer rolls over stomach to back

Beck @ 2 months:

(I was a little distracted at the doctor with Linc so I didn't write down his weight...I will call tomorrow for that info)

Holland, MI

We are loving having Daddy done with school. The last couple weeks almost killed Mommy. To celebrate we took a short trip (3 hour drive) to Holland, Michigan to see the tulip festival. They are very into the Holland culture and they actually broke the world record for most people dancing in wooden shoes. It was so fun to get out of town for a little bit and enjoy the beautiful world around us. The tulips were amazing and the locals were all dressed to the nines and wandering around town. It was so fun. Here are some pictures.

Such a fun adventure! 

Beck @ 1 month

Where has the time gone! 

Beckett is such a wonderful baby. He is so easy going. 


sleeps 8pm-4am
eats like a champ 
rolled over stomach to back a couple times
loved having Grandma Darla visit & Grandparents Woodbury
Daddy is the only one who can get this boy to sleep...by dancing
focuses intently on people and moving objects
super strength, can lift & turn head 

Beck @ 1 month:
Weight:10 lbs. 8 oz
Height: 22 inches