

Saturday, July 26, 2014

family pictures preview

Our new neighbor takes pictures and offered us an amazing deal so we jumped on it. It was so fun and she was very professional and the pictures are AMAZING!!! I'm always nervous to have a friend take pictures, especially when I'm paying them. I take my pictures very seriously and I don't want to pay a friend and then not like the pictures, that just gets awkward. Ali was amazing( Have I said that word too much? I can't think of any other word to describe it) If you're in the area you should check her out. 


 I loved it. Here are the first 3. More are to come.  I'm already planning on printing the family one out on canvas and hanging it on the wall.

Lincoln is ONE!!!

Everyone's view for the cake smash
Linc's view of everyone. 

I had so much fun making this cake. It was Orange and light blue....Linc's favorite colors. 

If you want to see the actual cake smash click here!!!

Linc @ 11 Months

This is very late but better late then never.

-5 teeth boy
-has perfected the ninja crawl
-wearing 9 month clothing
-the helmet is still with us but plans on coming off at the end of July
-likes to eat baby cheetos and yogurt bites.....hates puffs
-talked to Aunt Marie on Father's Day
-started using a professional walker with Physical Therapy 

Linc @ 11 months
Weight: 17.5 lbs
Height: 28 inches
Teeth: 5