Time is flying by. I can't believe he is already 4 months old. When we were at Disneyland he was a week away from being 4 months so when people would ask Ryan was quick to tell them 4 months. I was quick to correct him. Don't make him grow up any faster then he has to. I remember my Grandma Davidson telling me that her house was Neverland and kids weren't allowed to grow up there..I want my house to be Neverland. Since I can't stop it I might as well enjoy every minute of it.
This month's highlights are:
-thumb sucking
-reaching and grabbing
-starting to roll back to tummy
-rolling tummy to back
-holding his head up much better
-almost discovered his toes
-taking better naps
He is becoming more and more like Ryan. When he is tired or hungry he gets very cranky. But as soon as his tummy is full and he's had a good sleep he's all smiles.
Lincoln had his 4 month well visit at the doctors. She told us we could start trying solid food with him. Ryan and I feel like its too soon, Linc has only been nursing for 2 months but we'll see. Linc also had to get shots. This time he was more aware and so it was harder to see. His little face was so happy one minute then the next he looked so hurt and confused and sad. The first round of shots I didn't have a baby smiling at me seconds before. Life is tough sometimes.
Linc at 4 months:
Height: 25 3/4 inches
Weight: 12 lb 14 oz