

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lincoln @ 4 Months

Time is flying by. I can't believe he is already 4 months old. When we were at Disneyland he was a week away from being 4 months so when people would ask Ryan was quick to tell them 4 months. I was quick to correct him. Don't make him grow up any faster then he has to. I remember my Grandma Davidson telling me that her house was Neverland and kids weren't allowed to grow up there..I want my house to be Neverland.  Since I can't stop it I might as well enjoy every minute of it. 

This month's highlights are:
-thumb sucking
-reaching and grabbing
-starting to roll back to tummy
-rolling tummy to back
-holding his head up much better
-almost discovered his toes
-taking better naps

He is becoming more and more like Ryan. When he is tired or hungry he gets very cranky. But as soon as his tummy is full and he's had a good sleep he's all smiles.

Lincoln had his 4 month well visit at the doctors. She told us we could start trying solid food with him. Ryan and I feel like its too soon, Linc has only been nursing for 2 months but we'll see. Linc also had to get shots. This time he was more aware and so it was harder to see. His little face was so happy one minute then the next he looked so hurt and confused and sad. The first round of shots I didn't have a baby smiling at me seconds before. Life is tough sometimes. 

 Linc at 4 months:
Height: 25 3/4 inches
Weight: 12 lb 14 oz

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Go Irish!

Today was the big day! The BYU Notre Dame football game. Ryan has been looking forward to this since he decided to attend Notre Dame...a small part of me believes this game might have been the reason for his decision. His mentor professor, Dan, gave us his faculty tickets and Ryan's parents bought their own. It was so...COLD!!! and fun.

Notre Dame starts with a ton of on campus events. We decided to take Lincoln out for the start of the day before dropping him off with the neighbors for the actual game. Lucky for me I work at a great children's store so Lincoln got this great snow suit.

Us at the player's walk. 
 Our seats were amazing! Right next to the BYU section so it was fun to watch Cosmo and his crazy tricks....as well as the game.

 During half time we got to walk on the field for pictures. It was FREEZING!

It was so fun to go on this great date with Ryan. It was our first date since Linc joined our family. We did have sibling night at Disneyland but this time we were by ourselves. (Clayne and Melanie were in a different section of the stadium)

Go Irish!

In Lincoln news:
Little Man has found his thumb. I love this but will probably eat my words in a couple years. 
I love that he can sooth himself to sleep rather then having a binkie. I have a love hate relationship with the bink. It helps him sleep but he doesn't hold it in very well and now that he is getting more hand-eye coordination his hands are the binkie's worst enemy. They constantly pull it out and then he is mad. I hate having to keep popping the binkie in every 20 seconds. A thumb won't pop out. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Roly Poly!

This happened today. Luckily I had my camera ready.

Tummy time is getting better.

 Yup he rolled over. He did this yesterday but it was more of a surprise. He has also rolled from back to tummy once. 

On Sunday Linc found his thumb. He's been playing with his fingers in his mouth for about a month now but never really got the sucking down. 

Now he is sucking his thumb and reaching for toys. Its fun to see him interact with them rather then just stare at them.

Yesterday after spending 2 hours fighting this cranky boy for a nap we both needed a break so I turned on VeggieTales and he loved it. 

Little Linc is growing up too fast.

 This week I've really been missing my Mom. Ryan and I have been discussing how to get Lincoln to sleep. We've been letting him work it out himself by crying. Lincoln has really been fighting his naps and it is rough on everyone. I wish I could just call up my Mom to get her opinion and just hear her encouragement.

 Last night my Aunt Jill Hansen posted this picture on instagram. My cousin Kela loved my mom something else. I love how she still talks(or draws) about it. It makes me feel like someone else out there is missing her like I am. Thanks Kela! You really made my day a whole lot better last night. You were the answer to my prayers. I'm glad the Lord sent me a cousin as amazing as you.

Another quick update: I finally got around to decorating his room.

My Aunt Jill Heywood sent me a surprise in the mail yesterday. She makes amazing quilts and I love the one she made us. I considered changing his room theme to red and yellow so I could display this art piece. But decided to put it up anyways. I love it! 

Ryan and Linc were hiding while I was taking pictures. 
Little man doesn't look too impressed with his new room. Owell. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


This vacation hasn't been the smoothest but it has been fun. 

Lets start on Wednesday morning. We got a rental car at the South Bend Airport around 7am to drive to Chicago's airport. It was raining pretty hard so I parked the rental in what I thought was the loading zone, a very cranky police officer informed us that it wasn't. Boy he was cranky. 

During the 3 hour drive(it was supposed to only be 2 hours) to the airport we realized we forgot our Disneyland package that included our shuttle vouchers, tickets, hotel vouchers...basically everything. At the airport we barely made it to our gate but thankfully the plane was delayed by a couple hours. That gave us some time to unwind and make phone calls to get our vouchers taken care of. 

Lincoln was a pro on the plane. He ate, played a bit then slept. Since our plane was delayed in Chicago we had to run across the airport in Minnesota to catch our connecting flight. Running across an airport with a baby is tough. Once again Lincoln was a champ in the air.

We landed and had a very stressful shuttle ride as we tried to connect with our travel company. After a very long travel day we got to our hotel and promptly went to bed. 

Thursday morning we got a call from our bank. Our insurance billed the wrong account leaving us with almost nothing in that account. We got it temporally figured out but its hard to do anything about it when we're on vacation. 

Yesterday my phone fell out of the stroller and cracked. 

After a rotten early morning we finally got to Disneyland!  

We've been walking to the park everyday so Lincoln can get a good nap. 

 The boys waiting for their tickets!
Day 2 in the park

Lincoln's first ride was Pirates. It was our first ride on our honeymoon. ;) Lincoln liked it until the end when he got hungry. 

We bought him a sun hat that is much too big but it was the only one we found. He'll be sporting it at Lake Powell this summer. 

Day 3 
Lincoln has been sleeping so good at Disneyland. He does the eat, play, sleep repeat schedule perfectly. 

We went to the ESPN zone to watch the BYU game. The boys were in heaven.

The Girls on Splash Mountain

The Boys on Splash Mountain

We cloth diapered the whole vaca. It wasn't that bad. 

We were running so hard Aaron crashed! 

Sorry this is so scattered. Lincoln is currently crying so I rushed.