That's right folks we are expecting a little one in July. July 22nd to be exact!
Here is our story: Thanksgiving was not to kind to me. I wan't sick but everything I ate made me feel like crap. I constantly felt like I had eaten too much candy and all I wanted was a salad. Even salad made my tummy mad. As we drove home to Provo after the festivities I was complaining about my tummy and Ryan made the offhand comment "I think you're pregnant." We laughed at the idea and went to bed.
The next morning (Sunday) as we laid in bed, Ryan was still asleep I began to count back to my last period. I decided that even though I wasn't late yet the pregnancy test could still show results so I jumped on that. I took a test secretly and waited for the results while Ryan was in the shower.
The result was double lines! I had planned on making some cute way to tell Ryan but in the end I was so excited I just showed him the pee-stick and we both started laughing and kissing. We were so excited.
We set up an appointment with a doctor. Ryan was so excited to come with (NOT!) Based on my last period our baby was due August 15th which was very frighting since my insurance runs out August 20th. (Since I won't be returning to Bennion Elementary to teach next year) I then explained to the doctor that I had never been very consistent with my periods so she set us up with an ultrasound to determine our exact due date.
Our ultrasound was very fast. We went in believing I was about 5 weeks pregnant, hoping that we were further along. We were in and out of the office in about 10 minutes. The ultrasound itself was only about 3 minutes. Needless to say not a good experience. I laid down on the bed, she put the goop on my tummy and then quickly went about doing the ultrasound. She explained as she went along what we were looking at but didn't give us anytime to really process what we were seeing. We even heard the baby's heartbeat but it went by so fast we didn't understand until after we were in the car that it was Baby's and not mine. She then informed us that we were 9 weeks and 3 days along, thus our due date is actually July 22nd.
We had so much fun telling all our family about it on Christmas. It was the hardest thing to wait for this year. I kept trying to convince Ryan to let me tell them earlier, since we were further along then we thought. Ryan put his foot down and said NO! but it was very much worth the wait.
Marie was the first to know. I told her the day after our at home pregnancy test was positive. I just had to tell someone and she was the chosen one! It was fun to be able to bounce ideas off of Marie for how to announce to the rest of the family.
On Christmas we gave Dad and Darla their gifts last. Here is their reaction.
Dad got a trucker hat that said "World's Greatest Grandpa" and Darla got a patch that said "This Grandma rides a Harley." At first they were a little confused but they quickly caught on. Their faces say it all!
I think the funnest reaction was Ryan's dad. We had made a card with the above 4 photo booth pictures on it to give to family members as an announcement. After our Skype with Mark in Mexico, Tyler (brother-in-law) handed Clayne some pictures of his adorable kids. Ryan then slid our announcement into the mix. Clayne opened it up and looked at it but only saw the picture of Ryan and I kissing. He then starting making fun of pictures where people kiss. He went on for about a minute, the whole time Ryan and I are looking at each other trying to figure out how to say something without ruining the surprise. Clayne even showed the rest of the family the card quickly and still did not realize what he held. He glanced back at the card after awhile and realizing what he had shouted "WHAT!?" then he proceeded to share the news with the family. Oh man it was hilarious.
I'll share more stories from Christmas in our next post.