

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Heavy Heart

This is a sad post. Last week my dad informed Marie and I that our puppy dog Cleo was in a bad way. She is a very old puppy dog and has been loosing mobility in her hind legs for a couple years now. Dad called and told us that he had a feeling that Cleo's time with us was numbered in days.

On Thursday Dad sent me a text telling me that Cleo's hind leg joint snapped that morning and he had made an appointment with the vet to put her down on Friday. It was such horrible news.Friday was a day off for me, due to Parent-Teacher-Conferences so I was able to be there with the family without any other worries.

Friday was a very emotional day for us. We took Cleo into the Vet around 10:30am. We had all said our good-byes at the house with a family prayer. The vet was very reassuring and understanding of all the tears we shed in his office. The actual procedure was very peaceful for Cleo. She just put her head down and closed her eyes. Several more tears were shed for our wonderful Puppy.

We then made the trek up to Grandma Davidson's to add Cleo's body to the other wonderful Davidson Dogs like Lady, Samson, and Boogie. Grandma joined us at the grave and we all got to share stories of Cleo's time with our family.
 Marie was given a dog as her birthday gift. I remember my Mom coming and telling me the news, we went to Old Navy and got some cute dog items (collar, water dish) to surprise her with. Marie was sick in her bed that birthday and so we gathered around on her bed to give the gifts. As she opened my gift (a pink dog collar) she looked rather puzzled and didn't catch on until the dog dish. She later told us she thought the collar was a belt that was much too small. 
Marie and my dad went on the search for the perfect puppy for our family. They came back with a beautiful girl named Cleo.

 Cleo was so patient with everyone. She would sit still and let us dress her up with ribbon and bows. Cleo was not a people puppy. Whenever we'd have big groups of family over she would often hide in my parents bedroom. Kela, our cousin, loved Cleo from the minute she met her. I remember once Kela sitting and bouncing on Cleo's back and Cleo just laid down and let Kela have her fun. Once Kela was done, Cleo was outta there!

 Another fun memory of CleoDog was Cleo's ability to hide from things she didn't like. She could always be found in a closet, either Marie's or Dad's, during a thunderstorm, fireworks or on Saturday Morning when Mom wanted to take her out for a run. :)

 Cleo has been with our family for about 9 years. She was with us through some very hard times and well as some wonderful adventures. It is a very sad thing for us to loose her but we know she is happy where she is now. Cleo is with Mom now, running.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My grand Cousin-in-Law Chelsea tagged me and since it's been awhile since I blogged due to lack of amazingness I figured...why not?! ;)

Game Rules:
1. post these rules.
2. post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.

11 Random Things about yours truly.
  1. That is totally a picture of me holding a Baby Kangaroo. Cutest animal I have ever held.
  2. If you ever want a good teacher story ask me about Tagen, Brandon, Travis or Miguel.
  3. When I was 2-3 Years Old I fell off my piano bench and bite through my tongue. My dad rushed   me to the hospital where they tied me down to a board and put several stitches in my tongue.
  4. My left ankle can tell the forecast.
  5. I drive 40 minutes to work everyday.
  6. I lived in Israel for a summer.
  7. Reading is my favorite past time. I can spend a whole day reading a good book.
  8. Since I got married I have come to really enjoy cooking.
  9. My husband didn't know my favorite candy bar until 13 months of marriage.
  10. I met my husband at the MTC

 11 Questions For You From Chelsea.

1. what is your secret passion? I have a secret desire to become a knitting master. So far I can make  killer baby blankets. I have calluses to prove my dedication.
2. favorite season I love Fall. I don't know if its the school teacher in me or if its the leaves but Fall is the ultimate season.
3. favorite book I am an avid reader. I think my favorite book ever is Ella Enchanted it's a children's novel but it is a classic. My favorite adult book is Tale of Two Cities.
4. what did you dream of being as an adult when you were a kid? Since before I can remember I've wanted to be a teacher. I flirted with the idea of becoming a pilot or a writer but I always knew I'd teach.
5. least favorite chore Dishes are the bane of my existence!
6. dream vacation Ryan and I are currently saving for Disneyworld. I have never been so we're excited. But the ultimate dream would be to travel to London.
7. nickname as a child Savanimal, Savannickans, Nan
8. an embarrassing moment? In high school I played lacrosse. Before each game we'd all make a bathroom run apparently in the bathroom I stuffed the back of my kilt into my spandex shorts. I played a whole 30 minutes with my spandex covered bum in full view. My coach noticed but told the girls not to say anything.
9. if you could do anything for a day what would it be I would love to spend a day outside on a blanket basking in the sunlight with a book and a kite flying husband.
10. favorite food My favorite food is Diet Coke. It counts!
11.least favorite food I will never eat fish! I won't even smell fish! I have tried fish several times and each time its a for sure N! O! 

11 Questions for those lucky souls who got tagged.

1. What is your guilty pleasure tv show?
2. Why do you blog?
3. Where did you honeymoon/Where do you want to honeymoon?
4. Who has touched your life the most for good?
5. If money were no option what would you do with your life?
6. What phobias you do have?  
7. What has been the greatest moment in your life so far?
8. What talent do you wish you could possess?
9. What is your love language? (words, time, gifts, service or touch)
10. Describe the best birthday party you've had.
11. What would be the ultimate pet?

Tagged You're It!
1. Melissa Spence
2. Jana Heywood
3. Jenny Davidson
4. Annie Sundwall