

Friday, July 29, 2011

Lake Powell Rookie Week

Last week Ryan, Marie, Dad, Darla and I headed down to Lake Powell for a couple days. We left Wednesday got home Saturday night.
Lake Powell is always fun and since a picture is worth a 1,000 words I'll put in as many pictures as I can.

Ryan got so good he can kneeboard AND kiss ;) awwwwww

Kneeboarding is always a crowd favorite. Darla was very happy sitting in the boat and enjoying our shows but for this one we actually got her out of the boat. :)
I recently read the book The Undaunted a book about the Hole In the Rock Pioneers, thus when I went to Powell this time I wanted to go see the actual Hole-in-the-Rock. It was hot and treacherous but amazing to ponder on what those amazing Pioneers did.
Here is Ryan's favorite hairstyle for the trip. He'd put his hat on backwards and then let the wind do it's thing.
The hairstyle was so wonderful it didn't even need a hat.
PS don't mind his beard. Marie named him "Beardy" for the trip.

Rainbow Bridge with the family.
Bow-dancing is wonderful we don't miss a chance to show off our skills.
Lunchtime games were a crowd favorite. We started out with Pringle's (I was going to post some pictures of those but decided they'd need their own post all-together) and then we progressed to the Oreo-Face Game. (you stick an Oreo on your forehead and then using just facial muscles move the Oreo down to your mouth)
Here we are in our Pup-Tent. Marie used the tent this trip but she wanted proof that it would fit 2 people. It's tight but still good.
(WHAT a Pringle picture snuck it's way in.)
This game was called "feed-the-duck" we made it up. You had to eat a piece of cookie without cracking your Pringle beak. It was hard!

Lake Powell is wonderful. I can't wait for our big family trip in August. Poor Ryan ;)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The move....a SUCCESS!!!!

Ryan and I recently (last Monday) moved in with Tyler and Melissa Spence (Ryan's sister). We get free range on their basement. So paint happy Savvy came out and we have completed our bedroom. I LOVE it!!! I also loved the fact that I got to hang up pictures and we also took off ugly brown closet doors and replaced them with a nice curtain.
Sorry the pictures are low quality they're from my phone since the camera charger got lost in the move.

Here is my hubby being manly and putting up the curtain rod for the closet
Here is my hubby being Vanna White and showing off his hard work.
Here is our room from the view of the doorway
Here is the view from the bathroom doorway.

I love living so close to family again (only 4 miles from my Pop's house) and I love the fact that we got to decorate.
We still have two rooms to spruce up and a window in our bedroom to hang curtain on. My dearest Mother-in-law made the curtains for us. They are PERFECT! I'll do another post soon.

Friday, July 15, 2011

hidden blessings

My life has been full of hidden blessings that I hardly notice at times. I need recognize them more.

Today's Hidden Blessing:

A little background, last school year was very tough on me. My 3rd grade team was very tight and thus I was alienated. Its been really hard b/c these are ladies that I need to communicate with daily and they were constantly making me feel unwanted and like an awful teacher.

It got to the point where I was crying over it once or twice a week and dreading going to school to face them. I came up with an amazing solution for the problem and it benefited the whole school. I did my research and very nervously took it to the principal. He told me to give him 2-3 weeks and he'd let me know.

Today he let me know his decision. Its not what I wanted. It broke my heart when he told me the news. I was on the verge of tears but didn't want him to see that. I told him if he'd consider my idea I would invest in his decision 100%. As soon as I left his office I broke down in my classroom. I left the building DREADING the next school year. I really just want to move to another school yet its too late for that.

But then here comes the blessing. On my 40 minute drive home I passed by a Utah Humane Society Truck and remembered how the Humane Society came to my classroom when I was in 4th grade. It sparked a whole unit idea. The whole drive home I plotted out lesson after lesson. I got so excited, made some phone calls and by the time I got home I was pumped for teaching again.

I completely forgot about my "dreaded" situation next year. I was so focused on the students and creating exciting learning activities that I forgot the teacher drama.

I have a passion for teaching.
I love creating ways to spark students' interests.
My love for the students and for learning will help me in the next year. I just need to keep the focus on that.

I want to publicly thank my Heavenly Father for the hidden blessing I received today. I know that there are so many that I haven't noticed or recognized but this one I did. I want to resolve to make a greater effort to notice them in my life and give the credit to my Heavenly Father. I truly am blessed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Quiet....for now

I feel so boring after the wonderful 4th of July post, what can I possible have to say to top it. Then I realized I have nothing thus I'll just go with what I have and hope for the best.

Ryan left me today to head down to Beaver with 4 boys for a legendary Scout Camp. He'll be gone till Saturday which makes me a very lonely wife. I hope he comes back with bucket-loads of stories. Their "plan" (planning with this quorum is a bit of a stretch) is to fish, rappel, rock climb, white-water raft, camp etc. I'll just be happy if he comes home in one piece.

I'm taking a week-long class on Math Centers in a classroom. It is a wonderful class so far. I get to sit with my friends from Jim Bridger Elementary for the morning. In the afternoon we are set loose to put together the 10-20 centers our lovely teacher has prepared for us. I have found that hulu is a helpful component along with lots of glue sticks and a Cricut.

I love to learn and this class is so helpful. It also helps me realize how hard it is to sit in one chair for an extended period of time. Hopefully I won't forget that and punish my poor future students.
Anywho like I said life is pretty boring at this point of the summer. But we have some wonderful things to look forward to.....

1. Tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary. It's crazy how it feels like we've been married forever.
2. Harry Potter is coming out. Poor Ryan will still be in Scout Camp. I'll be a good wife and
wait for him to take me to see it.
3. We move up to West Jordan in a few short days (That'll only leave me with a 5 minute commute to work and Ryan with an hour long bus ride...but the bus does have wifi)
4. Lake Powell is on the horizon. We leave for a short small family trip next week.
5. Marie's half-birthday is in about 16 days. (thanks for putting that on my calendar Marie)
6. A Woodbury Adventure to St. George might be happening
7. Ryan will have his maiden voyage on the Davidson Lake Powell Houseboat in August
8. and then school will start up again :) which I am honestly always excited about.

So as you can see if you just stick with me for a bit my life will get exciting again.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Woot Woot to The U S of A!!!

The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. To me it's all about summer fun with family.

Ryan and I started the day off with painting. Tyler and Melissa (Ryan's sister and her husband) recently bought a house in West Jordan. Ryan and I will be living in their basement. Their house is very cute but a little bit dated from the previous owners. New paint always refreshes a home and the colors Melissa chose are amazing. I love it. During the day the whole Woodbury family (minus our Mexican brother) was at the house painting. It was so much fun to just work together.

We all packed up for the day and headed over to the Woodbury Parental's Casa for a BBQ and fireworks.
Ryan loved showing us the intricate cutco designs he has learned.

All day Momma Woodbury had been telling us about how Poppa Woodbury walked out of Harmon's with $150 worth of fireworks. She didn't lie! Utah just changed their firework laws and now aerial fireworks are legal. Poppa W was all over that!

Poppa W. showing off his purchases!

The cool new thing are these Hand Blasters. It's just a red ball and a green ball and you hit them together to create a 'cap-gun' effect.

In the past neighborhood fireworks were in a word...nice...but not this year. This year it was amazing. All us girls sat in the driveway and just watched. All around us fireworks were blazing in the sky. Our circle didn't lack either.

Tyler, Ryan and Poppa W were our pyro experts. The neighbors across the street had some fun too. They only threw one firework under the rental car, luckily we had Poppa W with his wonderful curve firework got them back. His well placed firework spun around the circle hitting the feet of every person and then landed peacefully by the garbage can.

The grand finale BRUNO!!! These aerials were A-mazing!

$150 worth of fireworks takes a bit of time to go through. We finished around 11pm so Ryan and I crashed at the Woodbury's.

The next day we woke up early to get in some more painting. I am so excited to live closer to family and friends. I am also so excited to be able to decorate and paint our new living quarters and really make it ours. Life is good!

Happy Independence Day!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jackson Hole!

This past week was the traditional Heywood venture up to Jackson Hole, WY to escape the heat. The Heywood family (thats my Mom's side) has been making this exodus for about 30 years now. We all have our own family condos next to each other. We do the same things every year and every year we have a ridiculous good time.
I think pictures speak louder then words plus their more fun to look at thus I'll just do captions.

My dear husband isn't afraid of anything. This was only his 3rd time and he decided to go Commando down the cliff. Commando means face first. What a crazy kid!
Ryan looking like a superhero.
Here is cowboy Ryan.
The Bar-J is always a favorite.
Nothing compares with Bubba's Ribs tho. Here is Riley with his full rack of ribs.

Rachel and I totally beat Ryan on the Alpine Slide race. I could not believe this girl. I thought I'd get a nice relaxing ride with her but nope she was full speed ahead. I should have known better then to go with a Hansen Girl. ;)

Marie and Rachel on the Snow King Chairlift.
Rachel and Savvy by the hiker's Stop Sign.
The family at Phelp's Lake.
For this year's pinata we were lucky enough to get Mr. Yogi Bear. We know how to do pinatas right at Jackson!