

Thursday, August 2, 2012


(please sing that post title...I did)

There aren't many photos to share with this post but I thought it's time for a quick update before we move on to bigger and busier things this summer.

1. My husband learned how to be a boating man. He learned to back up the boat, drive it, drive with someone behind the boat (me skiing...which was a fun experience), and park it. I am amazed! 

 Look at this stud!

 I like to ski. When my husband drives me for the first time it becomes especially fun. I think Ryan got down to 14mph! What a fun memory.

2. Another fun thing that has happened recently was lots of time to hang out with cousins. Here is my cousin Kade holding a very sad kitty. Kade spent the whole afternoon stalking this poor kitten all over the yard. When he would finally catch it and hold it his face would turn bright red from the effort to hold the small beast. You can't really see the cat's face over in the corner of the frame, it had decided to try to play dead. 

3. Look at my husband all tuckered out after early church. I love the fact that he was dead asleep in this position not more then 5 minutes from getting home from church.
 4. I've been getting my craft on this last month. My dear Father-in-law was excited to model my lovely headband. 
 Another fun craft I made for my classroom. I'm excited for it! It's already August, I can't believe my new little tykes will be walking into my classroom in about 25 days! AHHH!

This summer is quickly coming to an end. Our ward at Wymount is changing weekly, with people moving in and families moving out. It makes me excited about moving next summer, yet sometimes I get sad about it. Everyone loves to ask us where we are going for Grad School, the answer is we don't know yet. Ryan will be applying this fall and by January, February we'll know where we'll be headed. 
The top choices right now are: Notre Dame, Clarks University (Mass.), Tufts University (Mass.) and two schools in Canada who's names escape me. 

Ryan's last day at Vivant is next Saturday and then we are off to Lake Powell for the big Davidson Vacation! We are excited to get one more wonderful vacation in this summer. 
Ryan is amazing eh? I love him!